Special Education

Special Education
Our school offers Individualized Education Programs to support students who need additional help beyond regular classroom instruction. IEPs are tailored to each student's needs, allowing them to learn at their own pace and meet their educational goals.
The success of our special education program depends on dedicated teachers who adapt their approach to each student’s development. As the program grows, special education staff work closely with students and families to provide necessary resources and support.
Grading and Reporting
Special education students are graded using the same standards as other students. If a student’s grade falls below a “D,” we review their progress and explore additional resources, including consulting the special education teacher or utilizing resource rooms. An IEP meeting may be scheduled to discuss any adjustments needed for the student’s success.
To respect students’ privacy, report cards and records will not label students as different from their peers.
Referral Process
Federal law ensures that all children, from birth to age 21, receive an education, regardless of the severity of their disability. Early support is essential to helping students reach their full potential.
Behavioral Support
Special education students are entitled to fair treatment in all disciplinary situations. If a student needs behavioral support, we review their IEP and make any necessary adjustments in collaboration with families and teachers. This ensures that students receive consistent support while maintaining a positive learning environment.
Gifted and Talented Program
Students with exceptional abilities in intellectual, academic, creative or leadership areas may qualify for the G&T program. Referrals for the program can be made by teachers, parents, students or community members. Program options include enrichment classes, workshops, field trips, academic competitions and honors courses. G&T students can also access support, including counseling and assessments, to guide their development.